Speaking points by Climate Action and Energy Commissioner …

Business Today

Speaking points by Climate Action and Energy Commissioner …
EU News
This summer, we complemented this with proposals for accelerating the low-carbon transition in the other key sectors of the European economy. And by the end of the year we will have brought forward half a dozen proposals to help meet our 2030 targets.
EU move brings landmark climate change treaty closer to realityKYMA
EU gives green light to ratifying Paris climate dealThe Guardian
EU to ratify Paris climate dealEUobserver
Voice of America –EurActiv –New Europe

Juan Carlos Monedero suspendido de Sueldo y Empleo por la …

Blasting News

Juan Carlos Monedero suspendido de Sueldo y Empleo por la …
Blasting News
Largos meses de tramitación, abundante inquietud y diversos rumores después, la Universidad Complutense de la capital española Madrid (con siglas UCM), comunicó a #Juan Carlos Monedero los resultados finales del expediente disciplinario que está …
Complutense suspende a Juan Carlos Monedero por asesorar a …Informe21.com
La Universidad Complutense suspende al cofundador de Podemos …Hispan TV (Comunicado de prensa)
España: Universidad Complutense suspende a cofundador de …El Canal
El Comercio (Ecuador) –El Mundo